“I am grateful to have found a safe space with a top-notch, professional staff that provides unique, customized life-coaching and holistic healing services.” ~ K. Patrice

You deserve to be well

At Soul Sessions Sanctuary, your mental, emotional and physical well-being deeply matters to us. We want you to have the tools you need to be well.

Our personalized, comprehensive approach to healing creates the safe space needed to effectively address the root causes of your challenges you’re facing—not just the symptoms.

Whether you need to tackle a specific issue or just want a trusted way to rest, release or revitalize, we partner with you to do whatever is needed to help you truly heal.

It’s time to prioritize your well-being.

Book your
free consultation

Use our easy scheduling tool to select your preferred date and time to secure your free one-on-one chat about your needs.

Explore your
healing options

During your free consultation, our intuitive coach and healer will help you explore the best options for moving forward.

transformative healing

Taking the time to invest in your overall well-being will give you peace of mind and support for living a happier, more fulfilling life.

Start your wellness journey today!

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation.

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“Working with Tabbatha has been profoundly and positively impactful for my mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.” ~ Sophia H.

Here’s How We Help You Heal

We offer a variety of healing and wellness services designed to help you live your best life.


Feeling stuck, lost or an overwhelming sense of loss or grief? Need help getting your marriage or relationship back on track? We help you find the courage to face your fears, overcome your hurts, and embrace a new way forward.

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Need help crossing the finish line? We support you by helping you build the clarity and confidence you need to reach your life goals and become the best version of yourself.

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Alternative Healing

Want to find alternative, natural and effective ways to heal? Drawn from and inspired by Ancient Afrikan wisdom, Chinese medicine and ayurvedic principles we integrate different healing modalities to find what speaks to you. From acupressure, to therapeutic massage, sound bowl meditation, tapping and reflexology, we help you deeply tune into your body to find well rounded ways to rest, release and revitalize!
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Become your own healer!

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation today!