We Offer Healing

Do you need a safe space to recharge, regroup and restore your mind, body and soul? If so, then you are definitely in the right place. At Soul Sessions Sanctuary, we provide you with personalized, holistic support that makes you feel cared for and gives you exactly what you need to effectively grow and heal.

Our offerings are called Soul Sessions because each one is designed to help you tap a little deeper into your soul to begin healing from the inside out. Our Soul Sessions help you understand how your past is affecting your present, teach you how to problem solve, give you the tools to forgive – move on & move forward as well as, provide you with accountability to align your behavior with your beliefs. Our support is demonstrated through mentorship, guidance, allowing you room to speak your truth, customized healing plans, herbs and so much more.

We are experts at supporting:

Couples looking to reset and reconnect in a different way on a deeper level
Individuals experiencing loss and grief
Individuals in need of alternative healing and more natural, herbal health remedies and want to decrease their pharmaceuticals
Those wanting to try a therapy approach with more spiritual depth
Children ages 13 – 18 with emotional and/or behavioral challenges needing a nontraditional outlet to express themselves and learn how to navigate tough emotions

Transformative health concierge services customized just for you.

Review our offerings below and book your free 30-minute consultation to begin your healing journey. All offerings are booked in monthly intervals. 3 sessions per month. Book your free 30-minute consultation to discuss your needs today!

Couples & Individual Counseling

Couples Counseling

Are you and your significant other at odds? Has it been a long time since you felt connected and in love? Do you need help breaking dysfunctional patterns in your relationship? Our Couples Counseling sessions help you and your partner get to the root of your conflict and peel away the layers of hurt and misunderstanding. Sessions meet once weekly for 2 hours.

Integrative Therapy

Are you currently in crisis or dealing with long-standing emotional and psychological issues? Do you need help facing your fears in a healthy manner? Integrative Therapy will help you go deeply inward to identify the cause of your distress and overcome obstacles and negative patterns that do not serve you. Each session brings you closer to reclaiming your power and clarifying your vision for your life. Sessions meet once weekly for 1 hour.

Listening Labs

Most of us are not listened to enough. When you feel listened to, you feel understood, cared about and accepted. Our Listening Labs offer a safe space for you to speak, release and process information out loud, without judgment, any offering of advice, interpretation or interruption. Listening Labs are offered in 20-minute sessions over the phone.

Start your wellness journey today!

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation.

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Life Coaching & Support

Life Coaching

It is one thing to want something to happen and another to be brave enough, disciplined enough or patient enough to actually see it through and make it happen. Our Life Coaching sessions provide you with the accountability, inspiration and structure needed to achieve specific goals while maintaining balance in your life. These are one-on-one sessions that meet once or twice weekly for 1 hour.

Healthy Soul

Are you feeling tired? Are your thoughts foggy? Poor diet? Not exercising? Want to explore lessening the amount of medication you take? Want to talk about a lifestyle change toward you being the healthiest you? We can help! One-on-one weekly coaching provides you with new tools, new food options, new ways of moving, new & natural healing methods, and a sound plan to maintain your healthy lifestyle change and live your healthiest life. Herbal remedies to heal and/or detox your body are also available for select clients. This offering requires a completed health questionnaire and lasts 1 hour per session.

Life Coaching & Therapy

Combine the transformative power of therapy and coaching to address long-standing issues while also having an accountability partner to help you with what is current & alive in order to plant seeds for your dreams for the future. These sessions last 1 hour.

Start your wellness journey today!

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation.

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Wellness Room


We were all born with the answers we need, but sometimes it’s hard to clearly hear our inner voice. We are inundated with a myriad of voices and systems of thought that over time cover up and block our access to our inner truth. If you need to learn how to get still, get quiet and just be, then our meditation sessions are for you. Meditation helps you uncover and peel off these layers so you remember what you already know! Our sessions help you train and discipline your mind. A strong mind helps you control emotion; a calm mind helps you see or discover a solution. It is a wonderful way to reboot, reduce stress and lower your blood pressure. Come and create space to sharpen your senses and connect to the life force around you!

Sound Meditation

Through the use of sound/singing bowls, music and drums we create an experience that helps you achieve focused, positive energy, flow and stillness. You will be guided through an experience using ancient healing techniques to align your chakras, move your spirit and ground you. In our meditation space you have the freedom to find the “tool” that works best for you. This experience lasts 1 hour.

Guided Meditation

In this experience, your facilitator will talk you through a guided experience of your choosing centered around the elements. Allowing you to use you to use your imagination toward more calm and centeredness. This experience lasts 30 minutes.

Silent/Sleep Meditation

This experience is for those who need to to reboot and recharge on their own, in their own way, in a quiet & magical space that opens their senses. This experience lasts 30
minutes or 1 hour.


Treat yourself to a targeted reflexology massage to address common ailments, release tensions and relax. This massage technique can tone and reboot your organs as well as release toxins from your joints and tendons. Done regularly, you will notice a subtle yet powerful shift that leaves you feeling much better and wanting more. Massage sessions include hand and foot therapy and last 1 hour.


Also known simply as “tapping” are specific techniques used to interrupt or restore energy flow through the meridians in order to heal specific ailments and tonify and increase chi in the body and organs. This technique is done by “tapping” in specific sequence with the fingers and is a healing modality you can do to and for yourself.

Start your wellness journey today!

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation.

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Signature Sessions

Family Soul

Family Healing & Building Workshop

Are you a family in distress? You love each other but are not able to communicate effectively or get past old hurts? We can help your family see each other through a new lens, find blind spots, forgive and begin again. We will help your family create a sound plan for the future and provide tools for family legacy and wealth building. For families with 4 to 24 family members, at our facility or travel to you. Contact us for details and to create a personalized price package. Family Soul can be done as a 3 day boot camp or 7 day offering.


Soul Circuit Training

Our children are our future and precious and deserving of all we can collectively do to love, guide, support and protect them. Soul Sessions Sanctuary is committed to doing our part. Many of our children are dealing with extraordinary challenges and need help navigating through big and tough emotions that they don’t understand. We can help by providing them healthy ways to release through our Soul Circuit Training. Soul Circuit Training is a work out for the soul that consists of tai chi/martial arts, meditation, counseling and Art therapy services. We will customize a program just for your teachers and student needs from 1 day to 3 months or in school or as an after – school program. Contact us for more details.

Dream In The Making

New Business Coaching

Always wanted to start your own business but not sure how? Dream In the Making offers you a safe space to voice your ideas, find the courage to grow those ideas, and provide organization and structure to act on those ideas in order to release the entrepreneurial spirit that will make your dreams a reality and move you and your family forward.

We will guide you from concept to creation with customized, inspired and organized one-on-one instruction. We will help you harness the power of NOW and help you construct your business so you can be your own boss and create life on your own terms. Contact us for more details and to get started.

Start your wellness journey today!

Book your FREE 30-minute consultation.

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