Understanding your health record: A record is made each time you come to Soul Sessions Sanctuary for a treatment in our wellness room. Your symptoms, the practitioner’s assessment, and a plan of services are recorded. This record forms the basis for planning your care and treatment/consultation at future visits, and also serves as a means of communication among other health professionals who may contribute to your care. Understanding what information is retained in your record and how that information may be used will assist you to ensure it is accurate and make informed decisions about who, what, when, where, and why others may be allowed access to your health information.

Understanding your health information rights: Your health record is the physical property of Soul Sessions Sanctuary, but the content is about you, and therefore belongs to you. You have the right to review or obtain a paper copy of your health record. You have the right to request restrictions, to authorize disclosure of the record to others, and be given an account of those disclosures. Other than activity that has already occurred, you may revoke any further authorizations to use or disclose your health information.

Our responsibility: Soul Sessions Sanctuary is required to maintain the privacy of your health information and to provide you with this notice of our privacy practices. We’re required to follow the terms of this notice and to notify you if we are unable to grant your request to disclose or restrict disclosure of your health information to others. Soul Sessions Sanctuary reserves the right to change its practices and promises to make a good faith effort to notify you of any changes. Other than for the reasons, we agree not to use or disclose your health information without your consent.

Practices Regarding Disclosure of Client Health Information: Your health information will be routinely used for treatment/consultation, payment, and quality-monitoring, and your consent, or the opportunity to agree or object, is not required in these instances:

Treatment/Consultation: Information obtained by your practitioner at Soul Sessions Sanctuary will be entered in our record and used to plan the services provided you. Your health information may be shared with others involved in your care or providing consultation about your services. Your practitioner’s own expectation and those of others involved in your care may also be recorded.

Payment: Your record will be used to receive payment for services rendered by Soul Sessions Sanctuary. An invoice may be sent to you or received directly upon services rendered.

Quality Monitoring: Soul Sessions Sanctuary will use your health information to assess the care you received and compare the outcome of your care to others. Your information may be reviewed for risk management or quality improvement purposes in our efforts to continually improve the quality and effectiveness of the care and services provided. In addition, the following disclosures are required by law and do not require your consent:

Natural Health Professionals/Herbalist: Some or all of your health information may be subject to disclosure through contracts for services to assist this office in providing health care. To protect your health information, we require these Business Associates to follow the same standards held by this office through terms detailed in a written agreement.

Communications with Family: Using best judgment, a family member, close personal friend identified by YOU, personal representative, or other persons responsible for your care may be notified or given information about your care to assist them in enhancing your well-being or to confirm your whereabouts but only with your permission.