Healing is born of honesty. Honesty is born of love. Love is the greatest of healers and our salvation.

SpiritPlay Podcast

What you are thinking and doing today, day by day is shaping your future. No one can save you. No one can live your life for you. Begin today to build the life you dream of, from within, by making healthier commitments to yourself. Become more selective with what you allow into your senses. Nothing is wasted in the “spirit -verse, “we are constantly creating through our thoughts, words, and deed.

Spirit Play is a Soul Session Sanctuary podcast series offering affirming thoughts, concepts and mind food for you to consider. Our intention is that each episode will represent another tool for you to increase your awareness and accelerate your growth and expansion. Create a beautiful mind on the inside and watch the beauty of your mind reflected back to you on the outside. Let’s erase our old tapes that no longer serve and create new ones with purpose, power and Play! Spirit Play.